Deirdre won an award for stage and set design

Collage work "Deirdre won an award for stage and set design" by Libby Bloxham. The collage centres on a fashion figure illustration typical of vintage sewing patterns, a woman in 70s style smart casual clothes, with acetate dragonfly wings placed at her shoulders. She stands against a lightly tan-coloured backdrop showing the corner of a room, while around her are arranged swatches of illustrations, vintage paper and fabrics in shapes that describe stage dressing including a gathered curtain and hanging light. The piece uses black and white as base colours, with orange tones featuring strongly in both block colours and patterns.
Collage work “Deirdre won an award for stage and set design” by Libby Bloxham. The collage centres on a fashion figure illustration typical of vintage sewing patterns, a woman in 70s style smart casual clothes, with acetate dragonfly wings placed at her shoulders. She stands against a lightly tan-coloured backdrop showing the corner of a room, while around her are arranged swatches of illustrations, vintage paper and fabrics in shapes that describe stage dressing including a gathered curtain and hanging light. The piece uses black and white as base colours, with orange tones featuring strongly in both block colours and patterns.